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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

letter R for Rain

Letter R Tot School The Attached Mama's Alphabet Craft Collection 1. Gather your materials:
- Small letter R for the learning poster. - Markers. - A drawing of raindrops for the learning poster. - A big letter R in paper or cardboard. - Colored stones. - Glue. - Cotton balls (to imitate the clouds) - Cut pieces of aluminium foil. - The computer. 2. We started with the vocabulary word of the week: raindrops and we stuck it on our learning poster. We introduced the concept the rain’s day with the water playing but we forgotten to put it on the learning poster.

3. As it was a rainy day we decided to put on our waterproofs and enjoy jumping in the puddle. As she has been watching the videos I linked in the rainy day post every day, she was really motivated to imitate the children of the videos. She had lots of fun.

4. When we came back, we saw our R video .

5. We started our R activities filling the R with colored stones. Last weed this activity was a disaster because I made a really big F, but this week the size was perfect and as you can see she did a very good job all by herself. 6. I showed her how to make dots imitating “the raindrops falling from the sky” and we colored our R this way. After it we said bye-bye to letter F and we stuck our new letter R on our learning poster. 7. Finally we made our craft: first we finger painted the shape with red (The last week new color), Then we cut in pieces our cotton balls, after it we make balls with our aluminium foils squares as you see in the picture. She just pressed each square and I finished the shape. When the materials were ready we glued them on the R and you can see the final result: it seems to be a cloud and the raindrops.


  1. You have some fantastic ideas! I am hosting a new feature on my blog called Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection.

    Would you be interested in linking up some of your Alphabet ideas?

    Thanks so much!
    Cathy aka The Attached Mama

  2. I love your rain/raindrop R. I was fortunate that the letter templates I print out from were the perfect size for the soda bottle caps I was given. You have some great ideas, I am glad I found your blog.


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