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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Letter w and chores

Tot School

I'm beggining Daddy's time Friday. I want to make a weekly post to show some words of love to my husband about the time he expends with the girls. Come over and link up your Daddy's time, here you've got the code:
This week Noarai has been into daily chores. She has worked each day with a really happy attitude (after weeks of hard work). On Monday she learned how to sweep the dust of the floor into the dustpan and how to carry the dustpan to throw everything inside the bin. Sorry for the hair, we usually get dressed after our daily chores.


Jesus loves me , Jesus loves me sign language, Jesus loves me VBS and children singing Jesus loves me 1 and Jesus loves me 2

For letter w video we danced a lot it rocks:).

LEARNING POSTER Each morning we have worked on our learning poster. This week I rotate the family names a she was a bit challenged.

She also worked matching the words of the memory verse from Totally tots she loves the music from saplings for the memory verse.

She enjoyed reading the mini book from RRSP This week for her very first time she was pointing at each word while reading all by herself.

We had fun hiding the vocabulary cards from RRSP and matching them on the black and white sheet of the learning poster.

Letter w

She walked on the big w on the floor, jumped and drove her train down the track.

2. She did her w for words. First she identified family names on a paper, then she cut them, after that she painted her w and finally stuck with glue the words on it.
3. She did her w for watermelon with sticks from COAH
Another chore she has learned this week is to wash the floor from side to side. The weeks before she only managed to walk backwards, this week she coordinated the backwards walk with the washing movement:) And for squeezing the mop she's getting better but of course we have some water outside.
She gave lots of love to her giant bear. Such a lovely girl!!

4. Continuing with our w work, she cut some w images from word (wolf, water,whale and watch) I love her mouth and hand when she cuts:) Then we made a graph I took the idea from Hart to Hart (she has awesome ideas) the photo is so funny because she's saying that she was wrong in the graph "noooo". Is our first graph and I think she didn't understand the purpose but we will be working on it. 5. Some writting practice from COAH and big letters (T, L, V) i made for her.
Another chore she made with me this week has been preparing noodles and she did such a great job.
She also learned this week to use the spray and well she almost used it all :) She did a great job dusting with mommy.
And to vacuum the sofa, she was saying all time like Spot (she has a video of Spot helping grandma)

As I was getting dress for the day, I heard too much silence and when I saw her she was sitting down waiting for her friend Cristineta who was going to come that afternoon. Such a lovely picture but 6 hours before the date time:)
14,15, 16 1. She pooked her vocabulary w words in order 14-15-16-
2. We did again our 14-15-16 zebra color puzzled (I used the printables of COAH for letter z)
And finally our playing date came and they painted with washable markers the w on the floor.

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