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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Boxes Ideas Tuesday

I've been tired due to the lack of sleep (Lucia has her very first tooth!!!!!). So Noarai's boxes are the same of last week even though I need to change them soon, and I only managed to change some of Lucia's.
Lucia 8.5 months
1. A plastic glove blown up as a balloon.

 2. A pot to dump the plastic balls. She's starting to throw things inside!!!
 3. Pipecleaners bended as fish. She had fun pulling them out of her foot, and then pulling them out of the plastic toy.

 4. This one was soooo funny. I set a transparent plastic bag with fish inside, she tried to pull them out in really funny ways. At last she discovered that she could introduce her hands inside. I loved to see her exploration.
I link up to:

I'm always searching for new ideas. You are welcome to link your boxes ideas.


  1. Thank you for commenting on our blog! I would like to continue with the dressing up for each letter, I think it will be a fun challenge! I scrolled down on your blog and I love that your little one likes to play with sweet little girl is into all boy toys!

  2. Your daughter is soo adorable!! I could eat her up! What cute activities you had for her this week :)

  3. That is so hard when they are cutting a tooth! Hope you get caught up on rest. Love the ballon glove! Kerri

  4. La de cosas que se nos pueden ocurrir a las madres! Desde un guante gallina hasta "torturar" ;) a nuestras niñas con una bolsa trampa que se le ven los juguetes pero no los podemos cojer! Enhorabuena por tu blog

  5. Your daughter is so cute. I love the pipe cleaner around her foot idea. Fun!

  6. You're daughter is so cute!
    I wanted to say thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting... I am now following and I look forward to reading more of your stuff.
    All the best,


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