1. Gather your materials:
- The computer
- Stuffed butterflies
- Butterflies image for the learning poster, I’ve got it here:
- A Butterfly for painting, I’ve got it here:
- Crayons
- Size sorting butterflies, I’ve got them here as well:
- Butterflies of different colors in the same link:
2. This week we have been talking about butterflies every day and we saw these videos each day for starting our learning time:
a) Butterfly Images: It has piano relaxing music and you can get your child in touch with this tipe of music. It also has different kinds of butterflies that Noarai loved. She was motivated with colors and she had recognise the color of each butterfly so it’s another possibility of working this video. It’s quite long, so when I caught she wasn’t concentrated we just stopped it.
b) Metamorphosis: It’s quite short and illustrative about a caterpillar, turning into a cocoon and finally a butterfly. Noarai loved this one. Here you’ve got the link:
c) Butterfly from playsongs DVD: I’ts just a beautiful material of songs and illustration. The song is sweet, with lots of signs, and Noarai just wanted to sing it over and over. Here you’ve got the link:
3. We put our butterflies on the learning poster:
4. We sang the song of the butterfly shaking our stuffed butterflies and making the signs, she just wanted to repeat again and again:
5. I “hid” butterflies of different colors all over the family room. I only put them in different places, because it was the first time I was playing this game with Noarai and I wanted her to find them all. At first I tried that she looked for what I was asking to her, but when I helped her find the first one she just started to look for more. You can hide as much as you consider your toddler can manage, for her this was perfect.
6. We colored our butterfly with crayons. She’s getting pretty good with crayons and at the end I couldn’t see the shape of the butterfly, so I cut it out and pasted it on a cardboard to hang it on her bedroom this week:
7. We did our butterfly size sorting, but I didn't took any picture sorry. It was very helpful for her the different colors of the butterflies. And we had to do it very quickly because she was a bit tired, nest week I think size sorting would be one of the first activities.
I hope you enjoy it as we did!
Wow what GREAT links!! Thank you so much for sharing them, we will be using them tomorrow.