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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

L for Ladybug

Tot School The Attached Mama's Alphabet Craft Collection 1. We started watching the video of starfall for letter “l”, here

2. Then we use our bottle lids to fill in the capital and lower “l”. She is getting pretty good at this activity and she finished it all by herself.
3. Then we painted our letter with Brown and Grey color. You can see her in the picture pronouncing grey. I chose those colors because she was having trouble identifying them. But I think we will have to work them separately and with more games.

4. We read our “l” vocabulary sheet. I made it for her and you can find it in this link and after that we stuck it on our learning poster.
5. We went to our kitchen letter station and we add “l” with the ladybug image. After it, we reviewed each letter. As you see the image for letter “a” was missing as she was eating her “a” for apple. It’s a nice thing to have this kitchen station, because we can see what letter begins each food we eat. But I think I will change the letter and images for an alphabet laminate poster because this idea it’s not easy to clean.

6. We made our “l” craft from “No time for flashcards“:
We had a wonderful work, with lots of activities. It’s so nice when they are enjoying so much learning time!

1 comment:

  1. Great activities. I tried starfall but we are English in England so I thought the American accent might confuse the kids lol! x


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