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Monday, February 14, 2011

ABC two weeks wrap-up

Tot School

As last week I couldn't managed to post, I'm going to wrap-up two weeks of abc fun.
1. We had bath play with this alphabet animals.
2. We used Carisa's alphabet to match foam letters.
3. We had fun with the spooning letters from COAH. Even Greatgrandma got in the fun!
5. We had letter hunt with this COAH's printable.
6. She wrote lots of "i's"
7. I tried to play this matching game from COAH, but it was over her roof so we move on. But she was really happy that I let her play freely with the "circle" as she called it in playing solo time.

8. She enjoyed this abc wood puzzle book.
9. We painted and stamped foam letters.
This two weeks we've been listening to Bach's minuetto in Gmajor. And we did this poster with a Bach's picture and a guitar (because our version is played by a guitar). We also made a dance I would ask daddy to film us and show it as well. If you want to know what we do for working music check my music unit 1.

10. More abc fun. Stacking notepad's letters, we made almost all of the alphabet.
11. One of her favorites was writting the letters in her fingers and mines as well.

12. We have been enjoying this alphabet videos every day for 30'. And finally at the end of the first week she was singing the song like this. Sorry, for the position.

13. We also made this funny game with the leapfrog letters and this alphabet (they are from homeschoolshare but I can't find them now).

Have a good week:)


  1. Great alphabet fun ;-). I like the Bach poster;-)

  2. Wonderful works and learning fun!!

    I also love that you introduced Bach!

    Great job Momma!


  3. What a great couple of weeks you had!! Lots of alphabet fun.

    Was wondering if you are still going to be doing the daddy time link up. I hope you are.

    Have a great week!!

  4. What a good week! Those bath animals are so cute!


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