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Monday, July 4, 2011

Enjoying Family

Tot School
Lucia loved her montessori work this week. I need to learn more about montessori because Lucia loves this way of learning. She has been sitting down with this activity for 20 minutes several times a day. I'm amazed.

After two months of  montessori pouring work, Noarai has managed to pour her juice all by herself!!!!!!

We did some pink water play. They made a big mess for only 10 minutes.

Noarai sorted some euros and cents.
 We played with our instruments singing lots of songs.
 We worked five little monkeys with some you tube videos, learning to count backwards with the hand, punching balloons and singing the song A LOT.
 Noarai had a blast playing with water and blowing bubbles with the straw. She learned about how much air made the water overflow, that we don't play with food only when is playing time with water, and that the air in the water makes bubbles.
 Most of the week we had enjoy our cousins. Digging holes in the beach.

 Learning to do some gymnastics.
 Playing hide and seek with tete.
 Going to the slide park.
 Learning to climb a rope ladder.

And having lots of fun filled with lots of learning.

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